The Christian Life

What is the Christian life? Much has been written on the subject and it seems to top the list in regard to Christian reading material. All too often, we find ourselves falling into the trap of living out the Christian life according to our own understanding of what Christian spirituality is. And, it doesn’t help when we are inundated with no shortage of radio ministers, TV preachers, unlimited authors, and a plethora of resources found on the internet. We are taught by many, that the Christian life is primarily about employing various spiritual disciplines and practices into our lives. All of which are geared to help us humble ourselves, become more obedient, turn away from sin, and resist worldly things more, so that we could become more holy and set apart in order to have a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus. Don’t get me wrong these are all fine goals for the Christian, but they are not what drives the Christian life.

True spirituality begins with repentance. We are called to live a life of repentance (contrition and faith) and prayer which are all born out of both the Law and the Gospel. The Law was set forth to reveal our sin and accuse us as guilty before God. The Gospel was revealed in Christ to forgive us of our sins, remove our guilt, and lead us in the life of faith. As we hear the Word of the Law, we are turned by God in contrition away from our sinful selves, and as we hear the Word of the Gospel we are turned toward Christ in faith. That’s the proper 180 degree turn we so often hear about when speaking of repentance. We are not turning ourselves through many practices and disciplines, rather God is turning us by His Word of both Law and Gospel. Repentance is the work of God turning us from ourselves and sin, then toward Himself in faith. The only form of spirituality that pleases God is that which occurs in Christ by faith. Any works, disciplines, or practices done apart from faith cannot please God and are not Christian. Reverse the order and we will get the Christian Spiritually right. Repentance and prayer come first and good works, humility, and obedience will flow naturally as the by-product of repentance and prayer. 

It is critical in the Christian Life to hear God’s Word of both the Law and the Gospel that we would be turned away from our sinful selves and be turned toward Christ. It is in this life of faith and being led by the Holy Spirit where God forgives us, renews us, and leads us in the life that He has called us into. And, born out of repentance we are then drawn into a life of prayer where God has promised to hear us. He has initiated the conversation of prayer through His Word and by faith we respond with praise and thanksgiving. In prayer, we petition God for our every need and our neighbors, as well. God will work His will in our lives and our neighbor will be served through this life of faith as we engage ourselves in the hearing of His Word and participate in the Holy Sacraments. In Christ, we have been given into a life of repentance and prayer. 

The life of faith truly is a gift from God, and repentance and prayer are that which naturally flow from faith. Hear God’s Law and know of your sin, and subsequently hear the Gospel and receive the forgiveness of your sins. Live free from the burden of the law and the guilt of your sin as faith now takes hold of what God has promised us in Christ: eternal life, salvation, and the forgiveness of our sins. We are now liberated and are able to feel a whole lot less guilty and be a whole lot more free to live the Christian Life as God has intended for us. We can now spend our time not engaged in self-help and self-improvement disciplines and practices as we are given into this life of repentance, prayer, and service of our neighbor. All of which is afforded to us by the Gospel. 

We have provided a chart that helps explain the Christian Life.


The Christian Life Booklet