What Every Christian Must Know

Here is a good place to start.

Consider the following and see if you are equipped with a knowledge of some of the key tenants of the Christian faith.

1.   Can you name the Ten Commandments?

2.   Can you recite The Apostle’s Creed or The Nicene Creed?

3.   Can you recite The Lord’s Prayer?

4.   Can you recite The Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4?

5.   Can you describe what happens in Baptism and when you were baptized?

6.   Can you describe what happens in The Lord’s Supper and the last time you participated in the Supper?

7.   Can you recite and explain the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20?      

Bonus: Can you recite the words to “Amazing Grace” all four satanzas